Larry and I have been married almost four months and I feel blessed everyday to have him in my life. We have two adorable dogs. I currently teach a wonderful group of first graders and Larry is working for Conoco. Our family and friends mean the world to us both!
Decorating is one of my most favorite hobbies so I've really enjoyed putting together Ana's nursery. We have a ways to go but we're getting there! So exciting!
Les and I went to D.C. over spring break. We had a blast and it was everything I had hoped for. Vietnam Veteran Memorial (bottom left), Capital building, Lincoln Memorial, and Tomb of the Unknown (bottom right).
Here's our baby girl! These are a couple pics from our twenty week ultrasound. She weighed 11oz. The technician said it looks like she has long legs (like a basketball player). lol We were thinking more on the lines of a horse jockey :)
Yesterday was my 32nd birthday so we went to dinner at Yard House in City Centre. We had a great time and I really appreciated everyone forgoing the Bachelorette finale to celebrate the evening with me. Larry wouldn't miss it for the he stayed home to watch who Ali chose :)